
平時我自己上網搜尋資料就還蠻喜歡看 [106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Data Recovery - Complete Recovery of Over 550 File Formats


就算沒買過肯定逛過聽過看過 [106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Data Recovery - Complete Recovery of Over 550 File Formats


[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Data Recovery - Complete Recovery of Over 550 File Formats


[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Data Recovery - Complete Recovery of Over 550 File Formats



Complete Recovery of Over 550 File Formats

Retrieve deleted documents, emails, photos, videos, music and more

Recovery of raw data in cases of complex data loss

Real-time preview of all files to be retrieved

Usable for external storage devices such as USB sticks, SD cards, hard drives etc.

Have you accidentally deleted the pictures from your last holiday? Has your computer crashed and lost important data? No need to panic.

Data Recovery allows you to effortlessly restore your deleted files, from documents to music, photos, videos, emails and archives.

The software not only retrieves files located on the hard drive of your PC, it is also usable on external hard drives, USB sticks and other storage devices such as your smart phone or the memory card in your camera.

Thanks to the data recovery wizard, rescuing your files is as easy as following a few simple steps.

Various recovery options ensure that all your missing data will be restored effortlessly and undamaged.

Some of the highlights in the spotlight:

- Quick and complete recovery of your data

- Restore more than 550 different file formats

- Easy to use - all it takes is a few clicks

- Deep scan for files that have been overwritten

- Recovery of raw data in cases of complex data loss

- Real-time preview of all files to be retrieved

- Software usable for external storage devices

System requirements:

Windows-compatible PC

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 (SP1), Vista (SP2)

Shipping Weight: 0.6 ounces

ASIN: 3959828144

[106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Data Recovery - Complete Recovery of Over 550 File Formats

相關 [106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Data Recovery - Complete Recovery of Over 550 File Formats


兒盟今天發表兒少關注議題現況調查,以同婚關心度最高,其次是十二年國教、廢死、安樂死,非核家園、學生審課綱、一例一休等議題關注度則未獲過半數兒少關心。11月20日是國際兒童人權日,兒童福利聯盟文教基金會今天舉行2017兒少關注議題現況調查發表記者會,會中也邀請兒少代表分享自身表意經驗,並呼籲師長和政府一同關切兒少表意環境。為瞭解兒少對社會議題的專注狀況,兒福聯盟於9月12日至10月23日針對國高中學生進行抽樣問卷調查,有效樣本數為1778份,在95%信心水準下,正負抽樣誤差值為2.32個百分點。兒福聯盟挑選9個大眾關注的議題詢問兒少,發現同性婚姻(63.2%)關心度最高,其次是十二年國教(56.6%)、廢死(51%)、安樂死(50.7%),而非核家園、宮廟減香、學生審課綱、一例一休、年金改革等議題都未獲過半數兒少關心。調查發現,81%兒少會關心社會議題,19%則不太注意,至於會關心社會議題的兒少,主要採取的方式是跟人討論(74.8%)、找相關資料來看(64.8%)、在網路上發文或回文(25.5%),曾有擔任志工、參與連署或上街遊行等實際行動的兒少僅約1成多。兒盟執行秘書黃韻璇表示,現在很多兒少都是鍵盤關心家,上網找資料看,卻很少實際參與,且社會環境也不是很友善,兒少也覺得自己沒什麼機會參與兒少政策的制訂。根據調查指出,兒少瞭解社會議題的方式,以透過電視新聞(91.4%)居多,其次是社群網站(77.8%)、新聞網站(59.3%)調查顯示,40.9%父母不支持子女關心社會時事或議題,不支持的原因以認為課業為重居多,其次是希望孩子長大後再去瞭解、怕孩子遇到危險,甚至有31.2%父母要求孩子接受雙親的觀點。黃韻璇表示,從調查可發現兒少對社會議題的關心和瞭解程度屬於中間偏低,父母也不是很支持,如果要促進兒少關心社會,建議先從降低表意參與障礙和增進對成熟民主社會運作的熟悉度做起。黃韻璇指出,現在網路充斥很多資訊,政府應主動提供適合兒少閱讀的資訊,父母和師長可在生活或課程中,陪伴引導兒少查資料、協助閱讀和討論,同時鼓勵孩子多元思辨,學習從不同角度來檢視同一事件,也可以營造模擬學習的環境,例如家庭會議或校園自治等,讓孩子熟悉民主社會的運作? [106美國直購] 2017美國暢銷軟體 Data Recovery - Complete Recovery of Over 550 File Formats


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