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[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Rugrats: Totally Angelica-Boredom Buster - PC


[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Rugrats: Totally Angelica-Boredom Buster - PC


Jump into Angelica's world for hours of un-boring activities. In this first Rugrats CD-ROM just for girls, it's all about Angelica--as it should be. Help Angelica cope with another boring night with the babysitter as she indulges her every fantasy. Whether she's pretending to be a movie star, supermodel, hip-hop dancer, professional ice skater, or even a cat burglar, girls will do it their way in three zany games and three different activities. Create your own music video, then save your routines to play over again--or e-mail them to your friends. Dress Angelica in a variety of fashions, from evening wear to hip-hop gear, sportswear to high glamour, with all the accessories that go with it. Create a high-fashion photo shoot for Angelica. Choose color-customizable outfits from her closet, take the shot, and add it to her portfolio. Features original character voices from the hit Rugrats TV show.

ASIN B00004U9T4

Product Dimensions 9.5 x 8 x 2 inches; 3.2 ounces

Media: Video Game

[106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Rugrats: Totally Angelica-Boredom Buster - PC

相關 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Rugrats: Totally Angelica-Boredom Buster - PC


報系資料照 分享 facebook 美股遭遇川普稅改亂流,10日盤中重挫1%,台股昨(10)日由中小型股撐盤抗震,專家指出,下周台指期結算,法人已轉向防禦布局,盤面輪動個股多具備低基期、高成長特色,相關如華通(2313)、華新等,將是短線攻堅要角。日盛投顧總經理李秀利表示,台股周四經歷震盪洗禮,昨日多方在月線進行抵抗,中小型股也重新振作、強於大盤,短期盤勢暫無大跌疑慮,值得注意的是,外資昨日持續加碼賣權,台指期賣權連16日增加,代表外資著眼下周三台指期結算,先買保險因應。 經濟日報提供 分享 facebook 另方面,下周二MSCI(明晟)將公布最新季度市場權重,部分法人推測台股將遭下調,據此研判外資不會在上半周大力敲進權值股,因此指數上檔空間有限。外資昨日對台股連三賣、賣超17億元,同時換股操作、轉進低基期成長股,李秀利指出,在上市櫃公司陸續公告10月營收及第3季季報,外資整體操作雖保守,但部分績優股評價仍低,逆勢獲外資增持,躍居盤面焦點。下周盤勢高檔震盪,預期這些逆勢獲外資及法人買超,又有基本面、評價面撐腰個股,仍是人氣所在。統計上市櫃1,600多檔個股中,10月營收及前十月合併營收比去年同期成長、目前本益比低於大盤22倍的低基期成長股,包括華通、中租-KY、欣銓、東聯、瑞昱等,分布在IC設計、封測、PCB、電腦周邊、汽車零組件、塑化類股等。元大投顧資深副總杜富蓉指出,近來法人進駐族群,明顯仍以半導體為大宗,不論IC設計、矽晶圓、記憶體、3D感測概念股,依舊扮演盤面重心,主因營運能見度看到明年,具備長線趨勢護體。大慶證券自營部協理林明謙表示,現階段中小型股扮演救火隊,宜密切關注昨日表態的矽晶圓等族群不能轉弱,否則將會影響內資信心。 [106美國暢銷兒童軟體] Rugrats: Totally Angelica-Boredom Buster - PC


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